Untuk sesapa yg pernah mengenali dan jgk pernah bersua dgn empunya diri ni mesti pernah terperasan dgn keadaan di bawah mata saya (nk try tukar aku ke saya coz tah la rs cam kasar sgt lak aku ni huhu ) ade kesan lebam hitam. Dari dulu sampai ke la ni sy igtkan bende ni terjadik becoz selalu tido lmbt ataupn baca buku dlm gelap tapi sangkaan saya salah
. Saya dah terjumpe 1 artikel di internet yg cerita tentang perkara ni.
Memang rimas jgk la dgn lebam hitam bawah mata ni coz nmpk macam mata malas..n ramai yg kata tak mandi pagi la ape la huhu . I think I've had enuff. Sy ptt wat sumthing to solve it once and for all. yeahhh bg semangat sket huhu
I just think kpd sesapa yg ade problem yg sama..harap2 kita dpt lebih memahami ape yg berlaku pada mata kita .
Dark Under-Eye Circles
How and why your body creates dark under-eye circles
Most people think that dark under-eye circles are caused by staying up late watching monster movies, or having that last drink the night before, or sitting up with your laptop trying to finish the quarterly report. Most people think that their behavior is somehow linked to dark under-eye circles.
Well, most people are dead wrong.
If nothing else, I want you to know that dark under-eye circles are not your fault. They don't mysteriously appear when you misbehave or are stressed out, only to vanish when you get 8 straight hours of sleep. Dark under-eye circles are a by-product of the very same mechanism that produces bruises (and you don't blame yourself for bruising, do you?). Changing your behavior will, in almost every case, NOT get rid of your dark under-eye circles.
Having said that, onto the specifics:
What causes dark under-eye circles
Your shiners, your raccoon eyes, your blue luggage... whatever you call your dark under-eye circles, here's what they really are: oxidizing hemoglobin.
Dark under-eye circles begin in the capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that web the delicate skin around the eyes. Now, your capillaries are so small that red blood cells sometimes have to line up, single file, to get through. Frequently, red blood cells get lost and wander into the surrounding skin. This isn't a problem - it happens all the time - and your body has a mechanism to mop up these escapees. Enzymes in your body break down the red blood cells, including their hemoglobin (the molecule that gives them their distinctive red color).
No problem, right? Except for one thing: when hemoglobin is broken down, its remaining components have a dark blue-black color. Just like a bruise. So your dark under-eye circles are actually caused by leaky capillaries.
How dark under-eye circles are like bruises
When something hits you, blood vessels are traumatized and sometimes broken. Blood leaks out into the surrounding skin. Your body begins the mopping-up process, and you see a dark, purplish or blue-black discoloration.
So, as you can see, dark under-eye circles are very similar to bruises. The same mechanisms produce them.
Why are dark under-eye circles so visible?
It's quite possible that capillaries all over your body are leaking small amounts of blood all the time (I don't know if this is true or not). But the reason dark under-eye circles are so apparent is this: the skin around the eyes is some of the thinnest, most delicate skin of your entire body. The capillaries are much closer to the surface of the skin there. Many people's skin is not only thinner around the eyes, but also more translucent.
The combination of capillaries near the skin's surface and translucent skin makes this discoloration much more apparent. And that's why you have those dark under-eye circles staring back at you in the mirror.
Haaa yg ni part yg paling penting...mcm mana nak ilangkan dia .
Getting rid of dark under-eye circles
Best home remedy for dark circles
The most effective remedy for dark circles is also the most cliche. Thin slices of cucumber applied to your eyes not only helps to lighten the skin, but also soothes and cools the eyes. This can be especially comforting if you've been up late the night before or your eyes are red and tired from allergies or staring at a laptop screen.
Lay down on your back (because it's easier to balance the cucumber slices that way). Lay thin slices of cucumber on your eyes, making sure they have contact with the skin under the eyes. Leave them on for 5-10 minutes. It's a good idea to set your alarm clock if you're doing this early in the morning. Be careful not to get cucumber juice in your eyes.
Tea bags as a remedy for dark circles
The caffeine in tea bags acts as a remedy for dark circles by diminishing puffiness. Caffeine in tea helps to diminish water in the tissues around the eyes (you'll notice that many early eye circle creams contain caffeine for this very reason). In addition, tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin.
Take a used tea bag (green, black or white) that's been squeezed out. Make sure it's cool! Leave it over your eyes for about 10 minutes. You'll see a noticeable improvement in puffiness and under-eye circles. Be careful not to get tea in your eyes.
Herbal tea bags are not useful as a remedy for dark circles, except for chamomile tea. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory that can help reduce swelling and puffiness.
Jd boleh la cuba petua2 tersebut..haihh nak cari timun plak . Sy ade ternampak 1 produk utk masalah ni dlm magazine..Sante's ape tah dan boleh di dapati di pharmacy. Dah try gi cari tp tak la camne nk jmpe coz tak tanya staff2 kt situ huhu..igtkn dpt jmpe produk tu on display. Penah tgk kat website yg jual produk tu kt internet..rm75. Agak mahal la kot utk budget aku. Timun pn brp sen je huhu
. Lg 1, pernah terjmpe yg New York Skin Solutions dpt menyetelkan masalah ni..tak tau la mcm mana tp rsnye sure mahal.
Selamat mencuba..kepada anda dan juge diri sy sendri huhu .
The journey of my life
Monday, March 16, 2009
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"kalau kurang tidur nanti bawah mata ada kesan hitam"
biasa nya orang cakap macam tue
tapi aku tidur 4-5 jam je sehari
bawah mata aku ok je
x da kesan hitam pon :D
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