Esok mlm sy akan bertolak ke Beijing, China selama 6 hari. Sy mungkin x dpt nk jawab any call but feel free to SMS sy akan respond only to emergencies ataupn kepada yg sy rasa nk reply blk huhu. I'm sorry tp 1 SMS RM2 so kredit adelah limited.
Smpi sini je dlu..x bley nak lama. Jmpe lagi ;).
The journey of my life
Korang igt lagi x kisah Nur Amalina ni? atau nama penuhnye Nur Amalina Che Bakri..yang berjaya mendapat 17A1 dalam peperiksaan SPM 2004. Selama ni sy penah terdengar khabar angin n ura-ura yang Nur Amalina ni dah kne 'tendang' dari Edinburgh University atas sebab gagal dalam pelajaran. Bkn sorang dua je yang bercerita tentang ni tp ramai..oleh sebab ramai yang cakap Nur Amalina ni dah kne 'tendang' then aku pun percaya la kalau sorang dua mungkin skeptic sket.
Nur Amalina berjaya mendapat biasiswa Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) utk sambung belajar di Edinburgh University dalam bidang medical.
Hari ni sy terbaca dlm website Bernama..nampaknye Nur Amalina masih lg belajar di sana dan jgk beliau merupakan antara pelajar yang terbaik. Di sebabkan beliau mendapat result yang sangat gempak..beliau di offer oleh pihak universiti utk amik 1 lg degree dalam bidang Pharmacology with Industrial Experience. Bila Nur Amalina tamat belajar..beliau akan mendapat MBChB dan jgk B Med Sc. Akronim utk ape tu..pandai2 la tnye uncle google key :).
Ntah macam mana boleh kuar cerita yg tak betul ni..boleh di katakan salah satu cara nak menjatuhkan imej Nur Amalina ni. Kepada yang pembuat cerita..dah-dah la tu..kenapa la ko nak memburukkan orang lain sesama Islam..jauhkan la rasa iri hati tu. Just improve yourself sudey..tak payah nak mengada nak jatuhkan orang lain.
Source: Bernama
Berita baik kpd pelanggan2 Astro yg memiliki set televisyen yg mampu memainkan High Definition (HD) content..Astro All Asia Networks secara rasminye akan memancarkn siaran HD terus ke rumah anda pada hujung bulan Disember ni.
At last dapat jgk merasa siaran HD kat Malaysia ni..selama ni ramai yang beli tv yg mampu memainkan kandungan HD tapi masalahnye kandungan tu wujud dlm kuantiti yang kecil je. Antara kandungan HD yg lain tu adelah Blu-ray..tapi berapa byk isi rumah yang ade Blu-ray player.? Harga pn dh mencecah 4 angka. Lebih dari kemampuan kebanyakkan isi rumah di Malaysia ni.
Skrg ni tv dah canggih tapi siaran masih di tahap sub-standard analog..sebab tu gambar di tv LCD tu blur dan jgk pixelated. Di jangkakan dekoder baru akan di lancarkan Astro yg mempunyai port HDMI yakni kabel yg mampu menyalurkan signal HD video & audio.
Harap2 Astro takkan menaikkan harga langganan untuk pengguna..dan jgk dekoder tu dpt di tukar dgn harga yg berpatutan..kalo bley free lg bagus kan hehe :).
Source : The Star
Just saw this news article on the internet today. This article shows dat our IT security is very weak. Who should be blamed if there is data theft.? moreover the data is critical and confidential.
Sy amat bersetuju dgn mantan perdana menteri kita..Tun Mahathir Mohamad..we have 1st world infrastructure but 3rd world mentality. Ni adelah salah 1 contoh yg jelas dan nyata huhu :).
Slipper shocker at high-tech server chamber
JOHOR BARU: The state treasury’s server room, equipped with high-tech features to prevent theft, was not that secure after all.
A pair of slippers was being used as a door-stopper despite the fact that the room was fitted with a biometric thumb print reader!
Auditors made the discovery during a visit to the server room in Dec 2008.
According to the Auditor-General’s 2008 report, backed with a picture of the slipper at the door, all the other necessary features such as fire extinguishers, backup data in the server, equipment for uninterrupted power supply, anti-virus software and firewalls were available.
The report stated that the biometric entry system for the server room was not fully enforced.
This was among the problems identified when auditing the management of the state’s standard computerised accounting systems applications, known as SPEKS.
The report also revealed that overall, the SPEKS system was not up to mark and had not achieved its objective.
On the security management for SPEKS, the report showed this was also not satisfactory as users did not regularly update their passwords which could lead to hacking of the system.
SPEKS was developed at a cost of RM59.07mil to realise the Federal Govern-ment’s need for a uniform computerised accounting system in all 11 states in the peninsula.
The project development cost for Johor alone was RM6.22mil.
The development of the system covers 11 modules, which connects the state treasury with all relevant agencies.
article taken from The Star
I learn a new word and definition today..Infatuation.
Does this word ring a bell? For those who doesn't know:
Infatuation -
is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love; addictive love. Usually, one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone.
(Taken from Wikipedia)
Logically the definition above is somewhat same as Love..but it is not Love. Love as according to Wikipedia is:
a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person.
I wonder whether the feelings whenever we seeing someone is just an Infatuation or Love. Fortunately, I've found out an article that can explain this.
Is What I'm Feeling Infatuation or Love?
There are some feelings we have when infatuated that we don’t have when we’re feeling love. Some of the “symptoms” of infatuation are; feelings of panic, uncertainty, overpowering lust, feverish excitement, impatience, and/or jealously.
When infatuated, we are thrilled, but not happy, wanting to trust, yet suspicious. There are lingering, nagging doubts about our “partner in infatuation” and their love for us. We’re miserable when they’re away, almost like we’re not complete unless we’re with them. It’s a rush and it’s intense. It’s difficult to concentrate. And most infatuation relationships have a high degree of sexual charge around them. Somehow being with them is not complete unless in ends in some type of sexual encounter.
Do any of these “symptoms” resemble feelings of love? Hardly. So why do we become infatuated? Where does it come from? Perhaps it’s biological.
When infatuated we experience a surge of dopamine that rushes through the brain causing us to feel good. Norepinephrine flows through the brain stimulating production of adrenaline (pounding heart). Phenylethalimine (found in chocolate) creates a feeling of bliss. Irrational romantic sentiments may be caused by oxytocin, a primary sexual arousal hormone that signals orgasm and feelings of emotional attachment. Together these chemicals sometimes override the brain activity that governs logic.
The body can build up tolerances to these chemicals so it takes more of the substance to get that special feeling of infatuation. People who jump from relationship to relationship may be craving the intoxicating effects of these substances and may be “infatuation junkies”.
When the chemical flood dries up, the relationship either moves into a loving romantic one or there is disillusionment, and the relationship ends.
credit to
NAP..seperti yg korang tau..NAP adelah akronim utk National Automotive Policy atau dlm bahasa melayunya Polisi Automotif Nasional. Baru2 ni kerajaan dah pun keluarkan revised NAP beberapa hari lepas. Sy mmg tertunggu2 dgn pengumuman revised NAP dari kerajaan ni dan sy harapkan ade impact yg positif tapi apabila polisi baru tu di agak kecewa. Sy amat berharap polisi automotif negara dpt membantu meningkatkn daya saing kita dlm industri ni especially di kalangan negara ASEAN tapi nampaknya jiran2 kita akn meninggalkan kita lebih jauh lg ke belakang.
Kecewa sebab polisi tu membebankan rakyat terutamanya berpendapatan rendah dan tak mempunyai income yg stabil. Di sini sy sertakan senarai NAP yg di keluarkan beberapa hari lepas.
* A total of 18 new policies and measures covering licencing, duties, incentives, technology and environment, safety and standards and APs to be effective January 1st 2010.
* Open AP system to be scrapped by December 31 2015.
* AP holders will be audited twice a year.
* A gazetted Customs pricelist for used CBU cars to be established to supplement the current list of new CBU cars. This will be used to prevent underdeclaration of grey import vehicles by declaring then as “used” instead of new in order to manipulate the price, as the gazetted pricelist is currently only for new vehicles.
* A large chunk of the RM300 million expected to be collected from the RM10,000 per Open AP fee to be used to develop the auto industry and increase Bumiputra entrepreneurship participation in the auto industry.
* Import duty on CBU & CKD cars maintained.
* Import of used parts to stop in June 2011.
* Incentives and exemptions will be increased to develop local auto parts.
* Franchise APs to be terminated by December 31 2020.
* Foreign firms can apply for manufacturing licenses to hold 100% shares in firms to produce vehicles with engine capacity of larger than 1,800cc and costing more than RM150,000. This will open up the upper end of the market while keeping the lower end where Proton and Perodua are protected.
* Issuance of new Manufacturing License to be unfrozen for selected segments – hybrid and electric vehicles, pick-up trucks, commercial vehicles and motorcycles with engine capacity of 200cc and above
* Vehicles 15 years and older will have to be tested annually for roadworthiness; provisions to be made for vintage cars.
* A new strategic partnership between Proton and an established manufacturer will be established.
* Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to establish clear roadmap for fuel standards and quality towards Euro 4M standards to be implemented by 2011
* Automotive Development Fund and Industrial Adjustment Fund will be continued. Despite excise duty and import duty being the same across the board for all makes whether ‘national’ or foreign, cars that have a decent amount of local content as well as proof of local activities such as R&D will receive incentives from the funds. This is where national makes like Proton gets an advantage – despite an equally high excise duty, it gets rebates because its cars are developed locally. Supposedly anyone who meets the fund requirements are able to get the same incentives, but it’s safe to say only Proton has that much investment in the Malaysian auto industry.
* Exemptions on statutory income from exported goods will be increased to 30% from 10% for goods with at least 30% value-added content (I’m guessing this means local content), and from 15% to 50% for goods with at least 50% value-added content.
Sy cuma nk bercerita sket psl polisi ni satu per satu..
Psl AP..Open AP (Approved Permit) hanya akn dimansuhkan pd 2015 dan Franchised AP hanya akn dimansuhkn pada tahun 2020! Kenapa mengambil masa yg terlalu lama utk mansuhkan AP yg di kaitkan dgn unsur2 korupsi, kronisme dan jgk monopoli. Rakyat ptt mendapat hak yg sama rata utk mengimport kenderaan luar dn jgk mencetuskn persaingan yg secara tak langsung akn memberi manfaat kpd rakyat.
Duti import utk kenderaan CBU & CKD di kekalkan..rmai yg tertunggu2 harga kenderaan akn jatuh bila AFTA di kuatkuasakan..dalam mimpi je la nmpk gayenye huhu.
Import of used imported parts akn dihentikan pada 2011..ada yg tak kena dgn polisi ni kerana polisi ni yg akn membebankan rakyat secara keseluruhan. Lebih2 lagi dgn polisi kenderaan yg berusia lebih 15 tahun perlu di periksa di Puspakom sebelum dpt memperbaharui road tax.
Seperti yg kita nmpk..rmai rakyat negara ni yg menggunakan kenderaan import lama..x kira di kampung ke atau di bandar. Masalahnya bukan dari segi diorang mampu pakai kenderaan import..diorang beli kenderaan import lama sebab walaupn dah berusia tapi reliable dan tahan lasak. Kenderaan2 import lama ni jgk ade yg lebih murah dari kereta nasional yg baru..oleh sebab tu kenderaan tersebut jadi pilihan rakyat yg berpendapatan rendah. Mereka yg mempunyai kenderaan import lama ni bergantung pada spare part terpakai import..terutamanye dari kedai potong. Walaupn terpakai tapi masih berkeadaan baik dn murah..yg paling penting skali original. Of course ade spare part yg original tapi sangat mahal dn susah nk di dapati coz model yg dh lama x di keluarkan. Sy yakin selepas waktu itu spare part imitation yg x di ketahui ketahanannye akn flourish di pasaran..tu tak termasuk lg pasaran gelap.
Pemilik2 kenderaan ni pula di bebankan dgn pemeriksaan Puspakom yg di belenggu korupsi. Kau nk lepas test ni tak? Suma bley setel dgn RMxx. Kalo tak berjanggut la nak tunggu keta kau lepas test Puspakom huhu. Kalau kenderaan ade masalah..kne repair dlu baru boleh lepas tapi masalahnye spare part dah mahal n susah nk cari. Akhirnya pemilik terpaksa lepaskan kenderaan mereka coz tak mampu utk melepasi peraturan.
Kerajaan patut sedar yg bukan suma orang mampu pakai kenderaan baru..mereka yg berpendapatan rendah dan income yg x stabil susah nk dptkn pinjaman kenderaan..dan ade jugak mereka yg tak mahu di bebani hutang sampai 9-10 tahun. Lebih2 lagi harga kenderaan di Malaysia adelah antara yang tertinggi di dunia. Sbg contoh Toyota Camry 2.4v boleh di beli dgn harga RM90,000 di UAE dan RM174,000 di Malaysia.
Polisi yg di umumkan kerajaan ni bagi pendapat sy..adelah polisi utk rakyat terpaksa mendisposekan kenderaan lama secara senyap dan membeli kenderaan nasional yg baru. Kerajaan tak patut membuat lg polisi yg menjerut poket rakyat biasa..dan kerajaan patut mencari jalan utk mcm mana nk meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat..dan juga dari segi pendapatan agar rakyat mampu utk memiliki kenderaan baru..bukan dgn membuat polisi yg juga secara paksaan.
Date : 8 November 2009 (Sunday)
Time : 9am – 3pm
Venue : Go-kart Circuit, Car Park Western 5, Shah Alam Stadium, Section 13, Shah Alam.
Enquiries : For submitting a team, sponsorship, or queries, please email to
For information, please visit
Mlm smlm sy berpeluang ke Istana Budaya utk menonton teater musical Cuci yg jgk di adaptasi dari filem arahan Hans Isaac, Cuci. Yg menariknye dapat tiket free..thx to my uncle, En. Ramzan for the free tickets. Mmg best kalo ade pakcik yg berkecimpung dlm industri hiburan tanahair ni huhu :P.
Sebenarnye x expect pn nk pegi show tu mlm smlm coz pakcik pn inform ms last2 minit. Gelabah jgk la coz mmg plan nk ajak kwn2 ikut skali tgk show tu. Tp sbb last minit nye announcement..rmai yg x dpt nk pegi coz masing2 ade hal tersendiri. Tp ade la jgk sorang kwn yg ade xde ape2 plan dpt ikut serta.
Kt lobi Istana Budaya..ternampak sorang artis singapura yg semakin popular di Malaysia ni..yg duduk row bebetul blkg sy. nk tau sape dia?
Msk je ke dlm dewan teater..mmg teruja coz rmai yg ckp teater Cuci ni best n mmg ptt tgk. Show bermula pd pkl 8.30 dan ade ms berehat selama 20 minit pd pkl 10pm dan bersambung smpi 12 tgh mlm.
Teater Cuci The Musical ni di barisi oleh pelakon2 hebat tanahair seperti,
1)Afdlin Shauki - perghh mmg minat dgn komedi mamat nih.
2)Hans Isaac
4)AC Mizal - Byk wat lawak jgk dia ni.
5)Vanidah Imran - Jumpa dpn mata..she's HOT~!
6)Adibah Noor - Suara yg mantap..lawak..mmg best.
7)Harith Iskander - Walaupn dia ni pelakon pembantu je tp byk jgk ms dia berlakon
atas pentas
8)Ramli Hassan - Tan Sri
Mmg best dpt tgk pelakon2 handalan ni secara dekat. Overall teater Cuci mmg best..Syabas pada semua yg terlibat dlm teater ni. Teater Cuci The Musical ni berlangsung selama 2 minggu sahaja..cepat rebut tiket sblm terlambat.
Askum semua :),
Dh bersawang jgk blog ni..dh lama x updet. Agak bizi dgn keje skrg memandangkn dateline yg dh dekat n kne spend most of my time focus on work. Byk aktiviti yg berlaku in the past week n cuma takde masa je nk post kt sini coz I can online only in the office. Of coz la x dpt nk post blog..nnt kne tapleq plak dgn my bos huhu :P. Dpt post yg sikit2 tu pn ms lunch break.
Ckp psl sawang, alhamdulillah akhirnya dh bley access laman sesawang kt umah. In fact baru je dpt online few hours ago. Well, mesti rmai yg igt sy dh psg streamyx but I'm afraid not. Sy apply Jaring Flite Wired with WiFi router. Knp sy apply Jaring instead of Streamyx? Mungkin just nk try other ISP n dh wat comparison dari segi harga.
Meh kta wt comparison n use my case study :)
Telephone line dh ada..tinggal nk pasang ADSL line je.
Pakej : Flite Wired 1 Mbps
Harga : RM79 / bulan
Modem : Inclusive (WiFi)
Bandwidth : Unlimited
dan kita compare dgn harga similar pakej dari TMNet Streamyx.
Pakej : Streamyx Combo WiFi@Home 1 Mbps
Harga : RM110 / bulan
Modem : Inclusive (WiFi)
Bandwidth : Unlimited
tp sy rasa mcm mn pn mesti ade weaknesses dlm service Jaring. 1st, ADSL port di miliki oleh TM. Macam mana pn mesti service dia kurang dari Streamyx. Takkan nak bagi kelebihan pada pesaing kan. 2nd, ade khabar angin berbau begini..internet Jaring slalu breakdown. Tp wat masa skrg blom ade breakdown lg. The service is quite ok for the time being.
Later I will post about my trip to Singapore and jalan2 malaysia pada sabtu dan ahad lepas wif my friends :).
p/s: Esok malam (Rabu 28 Oct) sy akan ke Istana Budaya untuk persembahan Cuci The Musical. Dpt tiket free..lucky ade uncle yg aktif dlm bidang hiburan ni hehe..I can't wait. Rmai yg ckp Cuci best~ :)
30 September 2009 5.15pm lebey kurang
Arini melakar sejarah baru dalam hidup saya..nak tau sebab ape? Petang semalam tengah wat keje kt opis tetiba terdengar bunyi berkeriuk kat atas siling. Agak pelik jugak..apekah ade si tikus kat atas siling tu? Tak pernah dengar pulak sebelum ni. Saya just ignorekan aje dan terus sambung wat keje..mungkin orang tingkat atas tu menari terhenjut-henjut kt atas kot..who knows. Then bunyi tu still ade lagi..tak berhenti. Then tetiba sorang staff kt opis tegur saya, Mr. A "Eh Fadli..cube ko tgk apsal kerusi tu bergoyang".. sy plak jwb blk "Eh btol la..tgk tu bingkai gambar, air dlm cawan pn bergerak". Time tu memang chuak habis..gempa bumi. Nampak la dinding..bidai tingkap bergerak. Memang tak dapat lupa time tu.
Tu la pengalaman pertama sy secara live..merasai gempa bumi..walaupn takde la kuat mana pn tp takut jugak la kan..opis kitorang kat tingkat 14. Takut ape2x jadi dengan bangunan ni kn. Masa kejadian tu tak tau la ape nak wat..nk turun tangga..penat plak nak turun..kalau tingkat 2-3 ke takde la penat sangat kan. Then ktorang just stay je dalam opis..lain kalau dah gegar tahap dewa kan. Cuma tunggu dan sempat mengucap je. Agak lama jugak gegaran tu..ada la dalam 2 minit lebey kalau tak silap.
Dalam 30 min lepas tu tengok website USGS . Rupenye ade gempa bumi berukuran 7.6 pd skala richter dekat Padang, Sumatera. Kuat jugak tu even amaran tsunami pun dah di keluarkan.
Tu baru tingkat 14..macam mana la kalau kt tingkat 88 KLCC ataupn kt atas menara KL tu..dah la 1 tiang jer huhu. Mesti 2 kali ganda lebey kuat. Tapi alhamdulillah semuanye OK. Takde bangunan2x kt KL ni yg runtuh.
p/s : Takziah pada mangsa gempa di Padang, Sumatera..dgr kata lebey 100 orang meninggal dunia. Mesti ade hikmah di sebalik semua kejadian walaupn perit.
Sy agak sedih and mood yg agak gloomy kerana Ramadhan bakal mcm br beberapa hari berpuasa.
Dah lama x updet blog ni..almost near a month. Lately I'm too busy to post anything into this blog. Of course there must be a reason why I'm a bit busy. Actually I have a job now but it is just temporary and not related to IT at all. The task that I'm working on suppose to complete in 3 months but I have to get it done in 3 weeks. I'm a bit overwhelmed and stressed out but I hope this coming holiday I can get some rest but surely I will do some of the work at home next week. Currently, I'm working for Aqalivista Consulting & Services Sdn. Bhd and the company specialises in franchise consultation and the client assigned to me is Eastern Biotech Resources Sdn. Bhd..alaa yg buat produk gamat tu mcm Gamogen.
Petang ni agak kurang sket keje (padahal saje je slow2x wt coz bahang cuti dh semakin hampir huhu :P). Neway, byk yg sy blaja dr sini especially in doing documentation dlm franchising and lebey kurang mcm audit job jgk la hehe. Tp xpe la bleh add some skills and pengalaman hidup dlm kerjaya. Maybe klw dh kurang busy I will post something. Idea dah ade cuma I don't have the time.
Cu next time and kepada semua pengunjung dan pembaca blog saya,
p/s : Sy mintak maaf kpd sesapa yg terasa atau di kasari ataupn membenci diri sy ini. I know I was wrong dan sy menyesal atas ape yg berlaku. I will try not to make the same mistake again.
Pada hari ni (Jumaat 28 August 2009), adelah hari kelahiran sy yg ke-24. Perasaan tu ade happy..ade jgk sedey coz makin tua woo :(. Yg hepinye dpt bonus 50% reload 3 hari sblm/selepas tarikh harijadi. Tp reload pn slalunye RM5 je...brp sen la sgt bonus yg dpt kn hihi.
Alhamdulillah, umur masih panjang lg :). Entry hari ni agak short coz i'm in class now..skrg ni lunch break. Lgpn skrg pn puasa..lepak kt klas jer & surfing. Besday celebration..hmm dgn kwn2x maybe x kot..bergantung pd situasi mlm ni. Lgpn I'm going to buka puasa + celebrate wif my family..dgr kata mkn kt Johnny's Wangsa Maju. So i guess buka puasa mkn steamboat la kn.
Ekceli, sebenarnye dh ade plans wif Acap nk buka puasa kt Seoul Garden One Utama and layan shisha afterwards but suddenly my family nk buka puasa sama arini..den x dpt nk wat ape la kn.. family 1st :). Nk kuar ngan member bebila masa pn bley kn.. lebey2x lg dh tinggal kt KL nie.
Sempena harijadi pd arini.. sy tgk blk objektif2x & goals yg dh target nk capai.. yg nmpknye still blom tercapai. Still need a lot of work to achieve my goals.
Ok la nk gerak ke masjid utk solat jumaat.
Neway.. selamat berpuasa pd suma umat islam di Malaysia & seluruh dunia & selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
Kpd suma yg wish my birthday..kt tenet, kt hset and face-to-face.. Thanx so much :D.
11th August 2009
Sujan & I went to YS Photo shop @ SS2 PJ to collect the graduation pics taken on previous day. Then suddenly we saw something weird..well this is my 1st time to see such situation. The traffic lights installed in the area are 3-tiers where they put 3 traffic light mounted on 1 single pole facing to the same direction. Thus the color of the lights will turn up to be the same and it doesn't make sense to me as a single traffic light is sufficient enough.
As u can see in the pic below..the traffic light is like this. (sorry for the poor quality of the image)
Can anyone (especially PJians) clarify this for me ?
5th August 2009
Hari ni ade 1 task yg di amanahkn utk sy iaitu mengantar blk adik ke Melaka & amanah tu dh berjaye di laksanakn dgn jayanye huhu . Sblm blk ke umah..lepak dlu dgn kengkawan nk relaxkn minda..almaklum la nk drive jauh kn. Selepas je menjamu selera kt infasha atas tu time nk blk tetiba keta wt hal la plak..adoila time tu dh la mlm..tekan minyak bagai nk rak.. "prenggg prengggg" tp jln pnye la slow cm siput..oops sori bunyi dia " vrooom vroom". Msk gear 1 lepas clutch tp x mati enjin...apekah yg dialami ketaku ini bisik hatiku.
Nasib baik la ajal keta tu dkt2 skolah rendah bkt beruang..mmg agak nasib baik jgk..klw ajal dia smpi kt tgh hiway yg gelap gulita tu x pepasal je kn . Mlm tu jenuh jgk nk berjalan dr situ ke 7E bkt beruang tp alhamdulillah xde la pnat sgt. Kebetulan plak si Faris tgh tgk wayang kt beliau telah pn mengontek Wan utk tlg. Plan igt nk drive keta tu ke area 7E tu coz ade workshop...keta tu bleh la jln slow sket walaupn amatlah semput bile nk naik bukit.
Plan igtkn nk tinggalkn keta kt area 7E tp tkr fikiran plak...letakkn keta tu kt area kolej komuniti. At least dh dkt dgn workshop kt sg. putat tu..bley antar bsk pg. Mlm tu sy tdo kt umah Faris...
Bsk pg antar keta tu ke workshop & mmg btol kata si Wan tu..clutch dh abis..licin. Petanda2 kecik dia mmg dh perasan since 2 weeks ago tp igtkn xde pa per la kn..coz 1st time rs clutch abis..slalunye rosak bende2 lain je. Dh takdirku mcm ni..nk wt mcm mn..redha je la :). Tp yg x bestnye byk duit yg akn melayang arini

p/s : Thx guys yg bersusah payah tlg tolak keta aku mlm tu...jasa korang suma akn di igt smpi bebila

Tomorrow (10th of August 2009) is my graduation day. Kpd sesapa yg mengenali diri ini sila la hadir ke MMU Cyberjaya sblm tghari yer (klw ade free time la :) ).
To all graduates.. I would like to say, CONGRATULATIONS!
Sabtu, 1st August 2009. Arini plan nk ke PC Fair 2009 kt KL Convention Centre ngan Sujan cz dia nk beli laptop baru sblm dia balik ke Bangladesh. Dh plan utk trip ni since 2 hari lps but suddenly dis morning I've received a call from ma aunty yg dia nk sy belikn laptop utk dia n dia memerlukan khidmat nasihat sy utk choose laptop yg seswai utk dia. "Okay" sy jawab mengenai permintaan dia. But..nmpknye bkn ma aunty je yg kol pg ni..ade sowang lg member kol nk folo skali. Nak beli keyboard baru pn iyekn aje la..asalkn keta muat huhu.
Aih kebetulan plak arini lak owg nk dok berdemonstrasi utk mansuhkn ISA..sure byk roadblock kt KL ni. Tp sangkaan sy slh..x kne roadblock pn ms odw ke KLCC but there's a roadblock @ tol gombak Karak hiway. Sangkut jgk la dlm 30-40 min kt situ isk isk iskk :( . 1st of all, pick up Sujan @ PV5 apartment kt Tmn Melati..after dat pegi Tmn Melawati jap nk beli sum tools for ma sister's interior design project. Abis je beli kelengkapan tu sy antar adik ke Tmn Melati LRT station cz she wanted to go out wif her friends. Ms dh makin aunty even dh call byk kali tnye where am i. Pstu trus pecut ke Sentul Timur LRT station to pick up Kay yg dh lama jgk terpacak kt situ..sori bro hhuhu :P.
Selesai sudah misi mengambil owg..then trus shoot to ma grandma's home to get the money for laptop shopping :). Walaupn laptop tu not for me but time tu I feel excited.. I dunno why..maybe cz I just love computers. Ma aunty ade pesan..beli laptop murah je under RM2k.. lgpn dia pkai for word processing & presentation je.. hmm ok so I need to purchase a lower end laptop.
Smpi je kt KL Convention Centre parking, prepare face mask.. safety 1st sempena musim H1N1 ni huhu..1st time jgk pkai surgery mask kt public..lebey2 kt tmpt yg ade klas cm kt KLCC ni hehe. Tp xpe la...xnk kene penyakit nye pasal kn. Byk laptop model to choose from..Toshiba..Lenovo..Acer..Dell..HP..Compaq..BenQ..Samsung..Twinhead..Fujitsu etc... terpk jgk nk beli Acer tp my friends x recommend beli Acer cz poor built quality..well..ok cube try brand lain plak... because of limited budget ade 2 model je yg bebetul kena dgn nilai n spec iaitu laptop from Dell n Asus.
I did comparison for the both laptop..& xde la beza sgt pn..but finally I've made my decision. I bought...
the specs adelah seperti di bwh..
- Intel(R) Pentium(R) Processor T4300 (2.1GHz / 800FSB / 1MB)
- Genuine Windows Vista(R) Home Basic 32 bit SP1 Edition (English)
- 2GB (1 X 2GB) DDR2 SDRAM
- 320GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive
- 14.0 " High Definition (1366x768) LED Display with TrueLife(TM)
- Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD
- 8X DVD+/-RW Drive with DVD+R double layer write capability
- Dell Wireless 1397 802.11b/g Half Mini Card
- McAfee(R) Security Center(TM) (15 Months)
plus..I did some adjustment to the spec.. tambah lg 2GB total SDRAM is 4GB DDR2. An extra of RM100.
so the total cost of the laptop is RM2099 .. plus with 1 year warranty and anti-theft insurance policy.
Ma 2nd purchase is an original Microsoft Office 2007 Home & Student edition as ma aunty doesn't want any pirated stuffs to be installed into the laptop..well ok.. I paid RM199 for it.
Ma last purchase is the Celcom 3G Broadband as she need internet access at least for the next 4 months.. I sign up for it with RM98 monthly bill for 3.6 mbps internet speed. There are other competitors such as Maxis and Digi 3G but as I know that Maxis 3G is the worst in the market and Digi 3G is still in infancy stage. So that's why I opted for Celcom 3G. The start-up kit costs me RM347.
Other than ma aunty's stuff.. I bought myself a 2GB DDR2 SDRAM for the desktop as I feel that the desktop @ home is quite sluggish with only 1GB RAM.. it cost me RM85 though.
Punye la lama kt convention centre ni smpi lunch pn pkl 7 mlm haha.. kami pn had our lunch @ Kenny Rogers kt tmpt yg sama. Alhamdulillah kenyang jgk walaupn beberape jam menahan lapar. Puas shopping n mkn.. kami pn pulang ke umah masing2x.
Dat's all folks! Salam akhir dr sy.

I would like to wish Happy 55th Birthday to my mom. Semoga Allah S.W.T menganugerahkn kesihatan yg baik dan juga di berkati selalu.
Thx for being a wonderful mother, Mom!
Those photos of elephants painted as pandas are taken at the Royal Elephant Kreaal in Ayuttahaya province last week.
Royal Elephant Kreaal Ayuttahaya province is about 50 miles north of Bangkok.
Purpose of this performance was to get attention from Thai public and to send them message not to ignore its elephants which are Thailand's symbolic animals.
It is well known that panda is endangered species and this performance has message that they could soon become endangered species in Thai, too.
credit to
Los Angeles, Jul 24 (PTI) Socialite Paris Hilton has claimed that the late 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson named his daughter after her.
The 28-year old hotel heiress claimed that her mother Kathy and Jackson were childhood friends and the 'Thriller' hitmaker had asked her mother if he could name his daughter Paris.
"My mom and Michael went to high school together and they were best friends since they were 13. So I grew up knowing Michael very well and when he had his daughter, he always loved the name Paris and grew up being an uncle to me," Hilton said during an appearance on US TV show 'Extra'.
The 'Simple Life' star added that she is glad the legend's daughter shares her name as she is a beautiful girl.
Credit to PTI
I read about dis article 2day n I just want to share wif U guys. Dis is one of stupid n ridiculous comments came from Paris Hilton. Maybe Paris just wanted to get sum attention from da media. Is the word 'Paris' was created by Paris Hilton's mom? I don't think so. If Paris, France doesn't exist..maybe Paris Hilton's name now would be Mumbai Hilton or sumthing.
Am I being emotional? Nahh.. It just my 2 cents :P.
I just came back from KL after watching Skrip 7707 at Alamanda Putrajaya wif a friend. Dh lama jgk x tgk citer melayu ni..lebey2 citer antu. My friend yg ajak tgk citer ni..alang2 time weekend so dtg je la tgk kn..x rugi pn. Lgpn citer2 baru byk yg dh tgk..last time sy tgk wyg pn citer Harry Potter dan putera separuh darah yg bg sy xde la sebest mana cm kurang oomph b'banding dgn citer harry potter yg dlu2x (action x byk).
Neway..igtkn dpt lyn citer seram ni dpt ilangkn rs keciwa selps tgk citer harry potter last week tp apekan daya..citer skrip 7707 ni lg menambah rs keciwa di dlm ati huhu .
Ms citer br start..mmg rs saspen jgk la cz igt citer ni seram abis. Tp lama-kelamaan rs cm aduss...nape x seram langsung ni..antu pn cumey2 je hhuhu

Walaupn filem ni di barisi pelakon2x handalan tp jln citer sgt x memuaskn. Lebey2 time ending..wth wif the ending.. tah pa per la huhu

My rate for dis movie : ★★ / ★★★★★
p/s : Thx Siti cz blanje tgk wyg nih...lain kali aku blanje ko yer

Lama x updet blog ni huhu...memacam reason x dpt nk updet..slh satunye jarang dh nk dpt on9 n lg 1 my laptop dh di amik by my sis..x best la plak cz x dpt nk upload gmbar..nape laaa PC ni xde bluetooth connection kn..hset nye USB cable lak ilank..adoiyaii.
Neway, I was tagged by Eju..layankan aje laa k :).
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
mesti la keciwa to da mesti ade hikmahnye utk setiap kejadian kn?.
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
berjaya di dunia dn jg di akhirat kelak..insyaAllah
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
sesapa yg nk carik pasal ngan gua :)
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
panjang kalo nk listkn ape yg sy nk belanje huhu..
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
my best friend..?? x friend gua lelaki laa adoi..
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
mesti kne ade 2-2..if not...cinta tu x sempurna.
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
a lifetime?
as long as possible...until I found my true love.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
try to forget about her...bunga dh di sunting org laen..lg di fikirkn lg tertekan n saket ati.
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
mesti la dgn pelakon....coz diorang dh ade pengalaman..n bley bg tunjuk ajar cmne nk berlakon.
10. What takes you down the fastest?
terjatuh terguling-guling kt tangga...
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
hanya Allah je yg tau...harap2 ape yg di cita2 selama ni tercapai.
12. What’s your fear?
mengaku kalah...give up.
13.What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
sangat kreatif dn bijak :)
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
rich n married.
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up
gosok gigi
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
ssh nk jawab ni...wt solat istikharah la kot.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
yup...i will forgive him/her no matter what...n try to forget about it.
19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
of coz having a relationship
20.List 5 people to tag
1. Azreena
2. Nukman
3. Kay
4. Anda yg dh baca entry ni... :)
5. That's all for now.
dan pasangannya
yg telah selamat mendirikn istana kasih pertemuan dua hati pd 31 Mei 2009 yg lps bersamaan 6 Jamadilakhir 1430H di Muadzam Shah, Pahang DM.
Semoga ikatan perkahwinan yg sedia terjalin akn bahagia berkekalan sehingga ke akhir hayat insyaAllah

+ Sy mintak maaf x dpt nk dtg ke majlis persandingan akak ahad lps


Alhamdulillah, pd pukul 5.00pm td maka tamatlah final xm n paper yg terakhir sy utk sem ni..perasaan sy skrg ni bercampur-cmpur. Tah la x dpt nk gmbarkn mcm mana cz perasaan sedey ade, lega ade, hepi pn ade. Tp hanye Allah je yg tau perasaan sy skrg. Maklum la dh bertahun2 sy di MMU ni semenjak 2003..sendri kira la eh brp thn tu huhu..bknnye sekejap. Kire mcm MMU n Melaka ni jd hometown yg la blk umah family pn time cuti sem jew.
Subuh td pn dpt jgk tlg Az angkat brg2 dia cz dia pn dh selamat berpindah dr ostel


Semenjak sy kt MMU ni byk pengalaman manis n pahit dh sy lalui..even dh berapa generasi dh sy peratikn..yg lama dh grad..nmpk bdk baru msk n bdk yg br msk tu pn dh grad lolx


Sy dh nk smpi ke pengakhiran sblm sy kne tunggu selepas dpt result dlu..chuak jgk sebenarnye nk tgk result tu sy berserah je pd Allah..insyaAllah OK tp sy just terima je ape yg Allah tentukn utk sy.
Pd suma student2 ucapkn selamat bercuti pd student2 yg masih lg menuntut n blaja rajin2 bila dh bkk sem nnt

Salam akhir dari saya..